Newbury Twin Towns

Newbury Twin Town Association


Welcome to the Newbury Twin Town Association website. The Association exists to promote and maintain cultural, educational and social exchanges between the residents of Newbury and district and those of Braunfels (Germany), Bagnols-sur-Cèze (France), Eeklo (Belgium), Feltre (Italy) and Carcaixent (Spain).

Join us

If you are interested in twinning and would like to host or be hosted then we would love to hear from you.



Coffee morning

Angelica's Rooftop Café, 7-11 Northbrook Street, Newbury

From 10:00 until 12:00

At Angelica's Rooftop Café, 7-11 Northbrook Street, Newbury

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Annual General Meeting

Newburt Twin Town Association annual general meeting

From 19:00 until 21:00

At Newbury Town Council Chamber

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The association has been and is involved in various EU funded projects. The details of the projects can be found here.